Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 12: Family

This week, we learned about the concept of family. We also learned about tissue integrity and wound care, but it was boring and I decided family would be much more interesting. :)

There wasn't really anything earth shattering I learned so I'll just quickly post some fun facts:

The "typical" family (mom, dad, kids) is no longer the norm. There's now single parent families, blended families, alternative families, and extended family groupings.

26% of households are just one person living alone.

54% of marriages end in divorce... :(

41% of children live with single moms who've never married (I personally found this number shocking)

I couldn't find a good picture for this, so I just found a funny picture that has absolutely nothing to do with single moms.
24% of children have their fathers as their main caretaker (I find this number hard to believe...)

Being 65-years-old is no longer considered "old," but "middle aged."

party time!
...Well, that's the interesting facts from this week! Until next week!

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