Friday, November 21, 2014

Week 14: Urinary Elimination

This week, we learned the extremely fascinating concepts of urinary and bowel elimination. (Also known as peeing and pooping... Riveting, I know.) Since there was so much information in this topic, I decided to just share some of the fun highlights or weird tidbits we learned.

Did you know that if someone's having trouble urinating, you can pluck their pubic hair and that can stimulate them to go?

Did you know that old men frequently have problems urinating because their prostate enlarges and pinches their urethra?

Did you know that it is better anatomically for men to stand while urinating and women to sit?

Did you know UTIs (urinary tract infections) are the most common health care acquired infection?

Sometimes I'm shocked this dummy isn't blonde....
Did you know most people only urinate 5x per day (after waking, after each meal, and before bed)?

Did you know that your eyes turn red in a swimming pool from the combination of urine and chlorine in the water? (And did you subsequently know that most people urinate in the swimming pool?!)

Did you know certain medications can change the color of your urine? Depending on what medication you're taking, it could be perfectly acceptable to have blue, green, or orange urine!

Did you know some people believe that urine can heal diseases? If they're sick, they'll mix a drop of urine with water and drink it. Some people claim it really works! (Personally, I think "Eeeewwww!!!")

Next week, I just have a test and a nutrition project presentation and then I'm off for Thanksgiving so there'll be no post next week.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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