Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why I'm Starting Yet Another Blog

On Monday, August 18, I'll start nursing school at a community college to get an Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN). It'll take me two years and I'll graduate May 2016. It will be an intense two years, trying to master all that information and preparing to take the NCLEX exam. My ultimate goal in nursing is to eventually get a Master's as a Certified Nurse Midwife so I'll be in school even longer.

So why am I starting a blog about nursing school?

Well, I don't actually expect anyone to read this. If someone is actually reading this (other than me!) then I'm totally thrilled. :-D I'm mainly writing this blog to record my thoughts on nursing school and what I learned. Writing my thoughts for others to read helps me feel positive and that I'm actually succeeding. Also, it will be a great way for me to practice "teaching" you the interesting information I've learned. My goal is to hopefully post once a week with an overview of the week, a positive from the week, and something I learned.

Maybe someday, this blog will be an encouragement to some beginning or struggling nursing student who is totally overwhelmed with all the information and work. Or maybe I'll make it through the first week of school and totally drop the idea of trying to blog about nursing school. Who knows? I guess we'll find out next week, if another post appears on this blog!

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